Monday, February 27, 2006

BabelFish to the rescue

What do you do if you know you have visitors to your website from other countries, but don't have the time or resources to create sub-domains translated into numerous language? AltaVista's BabelFish service allows you to put a link on your site that will allow for the translation of your page (or complete site) into eight foreign languages.

From checking the visitor logs on the website, I have noticed a large amount of foreign traffic to the site, as well as several emails to the Webmaster account that have to be translated. As such, I realized that I needed to offer the pages in various languages, but didn't have the time or resources to make that happen. I remembered that BabelFish offered this service, so I tried it out last week. On the original ErtlRecon site, only the primary data was translated, since the site was build with frames. After copying the site and applying a different template to it (without frames), the BabelFish translation worked like a champ. It won't take much to keep the two sites in sync, and I get the best of both worlds.

Quick visitor stats of the ErtlRecon site as of noon today:
There were 29 visitors yesterday from 10 countries.
There have been 28 visitors so far today from 6 countries.
There have been 410 visitors in the last 7 days from 28 countries.

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