Several weeks ago, while doing some personal research on Reserve & National Guard activity, I ran across a promotional offer from
VirtualArmory.com. The offer was for a free “American Hero” wrist band, to be worn in honor of the American citizens who are in the Guard. I planned on posting the URL for each of you to order one as well, but it appears no more orders are being taken at the current time. (if that changes, I will let you know)
45th Infantry Patch
Each band has a unique number so it can be registered. During the registration, one of the fields asked who was being honoring with this band, with the options of “any soldier”, “specific soldier” or “unit”. Even though my father is no longer living, I input his information since both the National Guard and US Military as a whole was so dear to him when he was alive (and he was so dear to me). I haven’t shared much about my father in my blog, since he passed away prior to my starting it, but he was a military man. He went into the US Navy after graduating from the University of Oklahoma Medical School (just a few days after I was born), then transfered to the US Air Force. After retiring from the USAF in 1974, he joined the Oklahoma Army National Guard (had to be in the three major branches) and served as State Surgeon, which indicates he was the highest ranking medical officer in the state (full bird Colonel, for those of you who were wondering). I am displaying the patch of the 45th Infantry, since that is the patch my dad so proudly wore!
I will wear the band proudly, both for my father and all of those who are serving our country (on foreign or domestic soil). It really doesn’t matter to me if they are ‘regular army’ or ‘civilian soldiers’, the hazards are the same either way.
My thanks go out to all of them … pass it on!
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