Thursday, January 11, 2007

A post just for Brent

One of the blogs I visit on a daily basis is Law & Disorder, which is maintained by a Des Moines, Iowa police officer who claims his name is Brent (names not changed to protect the innocent).  I was reviewing my address book yesterday and noticed one of the email addresses I have for Brent ended with a domain.  Being the ever-curious fellow that I am, I had to visit the website associated with the domain to see what it contained.


What I found was the website for the City of Des Moines (DOH!), which looks like a very nice site.  I did notice something on the page I thought humorous and decided would make for great "blog fodder".  They have, in bold font, The Vision for the city:

We aspire to be the city of choice for ourselves and future generations - beautiful, clean and safe.


We will achieve our vision through a healthy economy, strong businesses, vital neighborhoods, excellent schools, a vibrant downtown, and extensive recreational and cultural opportunities.


We will preserve our City's friendly, hometown atmosphere and celebrate the diversity of its people.


We require innovative governance that is accessible, accountable, and efficient with a system of funding that is fair, affordable, and stable.

What struck me as particularly funny was the comment of a system of funding that is affordable, especially considering the first two Quick Links shown directly below this statement to be:

Yep, just after mentioning being affordable, the initial items listed in The Quick Links just happens to be links to online payments for speeding and parking tickets!  What is really cool is the fact you can buy a "City of Des Moines Used Parking Meter" from the Online Store! (I wonder if you can request to buy the one that was the cause of your parking ticket?)


You know, you just can't make this stuff up!
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