I did something yesterday I really thought I would never get to do: meet Oliver North!
I got an email from mardel.com earlier in the week advising that Oliver North would be in Oklahoma City for a book signing. Needless to say, I instantly called Renee and let her know about the event. Once we confirmed we didn't already have plans for Saturday (this would have pre-empted pretty much anything!), I put the event on my calendar. Without getting into all the details, we arraigned for my nephew Matt to go with us.
The signing was scheduled to start at 8:00pm. Those of you who know me will understand when I share that we got to Mardels at 6:45. Yes, over an hour early! Even being that early, we were still back in the line around 20-25 people from the start.
Since we had 75 minutes to waste, while standing in one spot, Matt and were chatting about various topics, and checking out the books around us. I have placed a picture of Matt attempting to look interested in one of the books to the right. I have another picture of "Matt being Matt" in a Facebook album with several other pictures from the event here.
After the long wait, we got out books signed by Oliver North. While he was signing my book, I said "happy birthday in two days, sir". When I said this, he stopped signing my book, looked up at me and asked if I was a Marine. I told him no, but that I have several friends who are and that 10Nov is an important date to me for that reason (10 Nov 1775 is considered the birthday of the US Marines). Just as he was closing my book, I followed up with "also, happy birthday last month", as his birthday is 07 October.
After we were through, Renee Matt and I went to go get a late dinner, but stayed near the Mardel store. I had hopes of getting a 'real picture' with Oliver North after the crowd had left the area. When we came back, Oliver North was no where to be found. Being that the crowd had dispersed, the store management had closed up the signing event. Oliver North was in the back signing books for the employees. I shared with one of the managers that my nephew and I had waited until now to get better pictures with Mr North. The manager said it was too late and where I might be able to see Mr North the next day. As we prepared to leave, another manager came up to me and asked if I was the one who wish Oliver North the birthday wishes and I said I was. He then told me that I was the only one that had mentioned the upcoming Marine Corp birthday and told me not to leave, as Oliver North would be out in just a few minutes.
When he came out, Matt and I were able to get pictures with him:
(click on the images to see larger copies)
Here is what I received from Mardel to let me know about the event

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