Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I haven't said yes or even maybe, but ...

I was just invited to join up with the Amputees Across America trip being planned for this summer. For those of you who remember the possible trans-Atlantic rowing trip (posts 1 & 2) will be glad to hear that I didn't get to far down that road, because I haven't heard anything from the team captain in months, and that venture looks like a bust. However, Amputees Across America is an almost yearly trek, and one that has been completed by an amputee that my surgeon got me in contact with prior to my amputation.

I have already been looking at the itinerary and realize I won't be able to make a commitment for the entire trip, but they plan to be in Oklahoma City on Hope's bday, and have scheduled a day of visitation the following day. I will look into possible sponsorship from the Barr Foundation (the foundation behind the website) and a few others.

I will be approaching this opportunity a lot slower than the rowing one, that's for sure.
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