Democrats put it on the rear bumper.
Republicans put it on the front bumper.
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Loosely translated, Tis Gar Plen, in Greek, means: "So what?"
Quick Description (from the above linked page):
This extension allows you to use your Gmail Space (2 GB) for file storage. It acts as a remote machine. You can transfer files between your hard drive and gmail. This is similar to "Gmail Drive" on windows platform. Your gmail account looks like a FTP host and you can upload and download your files. After you install, you get an option called "GSpace" in your "tools" menu clicking on which opens the window for transfer of files/folders.
* Files > 10 MB can be uploaded
* Fixed the problem of "" domain. Now, users can also upload and download files.
* Fixed the problem of "archiving". So, it picks the emails/files that are archived also.
* Now, harmful extensions like ".exe, .dll, .zip" can also be uploaded.( _gs added behind the extension)
* Uploading very big files > 100 MB is not recommended.
* Make sure that you have enough space in your directory while uploading large files (this extension creates a copy of the large file in the directory)
A new ‘mail message’ will be in your GMail account for each file you upload. After I saw how the how thing worked, I decided to create a filter in GMail to automatically Label the message and archive it.
Matches: Subject contains GSPACE, has attachment Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label “Stored Files”
This way, all file I upload will not clutter my inbox, but be available via the “Stored Files” label.
Possible captions for this image:
Uh oh! Someone came home early!! (Brent – title of post)
Spiderman has nightmares too (Jarod)
I wonder what other tricks he knows? (Bilbored)
Guns don’t kill people, husbands who come home early do (Bobby)
Care to add to the list?
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Why did I even pay attention to this article? The duty described, sending mass distribution email messages to various groups of people, is one that I personally deal with on a weekly (if not daily) basis. Surprisingly enough, we have built a strong enough SOP around this duty that it would be very difficult for the above type of incident to occur.
Our Process:
1. Person requesting mass distribution message contacts our IT Marketing person (Jill)
2. After proper approvals have been met (Jill deals with this), all pertinent info concerning the message is sent to me (Sender, Subject, Message, list of addresses, Approval contact, etc)
3. I prep the appropriate listserv group with test addresses (several of mine and the Jill's) and I send a test message to the list to review formatting issues
4. If initial test looks good, add the approval contact's email address to the list and resend the message
5. Once the approver sees it, they notify Jill as to changes needed, or that it looks good to send
6. Jill provides the changes to me (repeat steps 4&5) or gives me a 'green light' to send
7. I update the list's subscriber info (to include target addresses) and send to the list
8. Clear the subscribers, and await next mass distribution.
Being that a single contact point is actually doing the sending to the target addresses, that will lower our likelihood to have an mistake like they had a UA. (at least this procedure is under control ... one down, hundreds to go!)
If you happen to carry a PDA (Palm, Pocket PC or Blackberry) and are using AvantGo to read various channels at your own convenience, you can now subscribe to an AvantGo channel which was built from the RSS feed of my blog.
1. Click on this link: Tis Gar Plen - RSS
2. Login to AvantGo if required (if a cookie doesn't remember you)
3. Review setting (all should be set)
4. Scroll down and click on Save Channel
After your next synchronization with AvantGo, your channel list will include Tis Gar Plen-RSS, which should look something like this:
Here is a couple of other links, if you are interested:
The Internet Ate My Homework: Bubby's blog (a very good friend of mine)
WWdN: In Exile
Note: Both sites are in my "Blogs I follow" box in the right sidebar
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The activity within the last week is kinda cool to look at as well:
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